Saturday, 17 January 2015

Gender and Otherness

The male Gaze

Otherness revolves around the concept of social identities. in every society labelling and identies are made. what otherness refers to is the difference between two social groups and the way one group may view another. 

Gender links with the term 'Gaze'. In society emphasis on the difference or otherness between gender is made quite obvious. One issue or theme which comes from this difference and 'other' view society has between genders is the male gaze. The male gaze is made evident through films, film characters and media such as magazines. 

This idea of the male gaze stems back many years. 
takes world war II for example...

Due to the male gaze, being viewed as weaker than man ext woman had to step up and used media to prove them otherwise. In more modern day apparaoches to the male gaze, film characters are made and photographs are taken of women to for fill the male gaze. 

Barbarella 1960s

Another example of women film characters made to suit the male gaze would be Bond girls. 

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