Saturday 17 January 2015

Roland Barthes Blue Guide

"Blue Guides

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Blue Guide - Book - July 2014
The Blue Guides are a series of highly detailed and authoritative travel guidebooks focusing almost exclusively on art and architecture along with the history and context necessary to understand them. (A minimum of practical travel information is also generally included.)"

From the research I've gathered the blue guides are tourist guides which are commonly known or stereotyped as tourist guides for the middle classes. Reason being the guides give tourist information about art, architecture and such tourist sights only the more prestige would be expected to visit. 

Roland Barthes Mythologies; Blue Guide
In the text mythologies Roland Barthes speaks of his views on the blue guide and how something like this creates a myth around tourism. He speaks of how tourism has created stereotypes for places and the people from those places, and how this ultimately creates a myth or false sense. 

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